Monday, January 28, 2008

Proceeding with the plans

We printed out the application form and are working our way through it. It's 18 pages and includes information about the hosting program, homestudy process, and general application stuff. We're hoping to get it in the mail by mid-February.

The popcorn fundraiser actually earned $150 in profit, which is $50 more than we hoped for so we're pretty happy! I'm also still trying to figure out how that whole PayPal thing works.

I'm going to list some of the books I have laying around my house on I read on another group that people have sold stuff there, so I figure I may as well try it. I'm going to list the books as I find them during my cleaning frenzy, and I'll check the listing again in like April. If they don't sell, I'll probably just donate them to the local library.

I'm also going to see about listing some craft supplies I never use on Ebay. I have a bunch of things that maybe someone will get use out of, like rubber stamps (some brand new), scrapbook paper and stickers, quilling supplies, and knitting/crochet patterns. Anyone know about setting up and advertising a "lot" of stuff? Oh, and I have some old baseball cards, too, that I can offer in a "lot." Cleaning my house for fun AND profit...

Finally, I'm going to start a magazine fundraiser over the next few days. The company says that if you sell 50 subscriptions, your average profit is $400. Worth a try, right? I want to go through the magazines they have listed and make up some "suggestions" for friends and family. Hee hee.

$470 is almost HALF-WAY there!


Suzanne said...

Let me know what kind of rubber stamps you have. For example are they holiday, birthday, kids stuff, etc.

Sig said...

Yay! I just listed TONS of rubber stamps and sold ALL of them (still selling now..) They go on Ebay!! People LOVE craft stuff!
I also listed some books on Amazon or I listed them on Ebay and some of them sold!

Suzanne said...

Just wanted to tell you again how beautiful the baby sweaters and hat are! You did such a nice job. I hope you can sell lots of them to help with your fundraising!