Sunday, January 13, 2008

Popcorn update

I did pretty well at work with the popcorn. I haven't figured out how much we raised, though. I was hoping for $100 in profit, so I'm going to give it one more day of running around begging more people. I think another 10 people will be the difference.

Lucky Boy wasn't so lucky at his work. Apparently no one at his job eats popcorn??? Really? NO ONE? He was pretty shy about asking, so maybe that did it.

Hopefully this week I'll have a little bit of time to get started on my next big idea. It's an online thing, so I'll be sure to post here when it's ready. And by then I'll probably have the total from the popcorn to add.

I'm also waiting to hear back from the hosting organization. I sent them what I thought would be a regular, normal question that could easily be answered, but it's been almost a week and no one has gotten back to me yet. If I don't hear from them tomorrow, I'll call.

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