Wednesday, February 13, 2008

OWOH update

I'm really blown away by this blog event. I'm used to adoption blogs, people celebrating progress or worrying about changes in the process. I'm not used to so many comments of people saying, "Wow, that sounds neat." Since my blog is set to approve comments, I get all of the comments e-mailed to me before they are posted on the blog. At first it was cool seeing all the comments come in. I guess I didn't really expect SO MANY comments, because it seems that every time I open my e-mail I have a bunch more to approve. I shouldn't really complain, though, because all of those comments will stop today. Today is the last day to enter my giveaway raffle.

I offered first a knit hat, three shades of tan with different knit stitches so it's a little texturized. I think it's adorable, it's the second hat I made with this pattern (the first was all one color and the recipient loved it). I only expected a handful of comments, so when the comments really started to build I decided to add another giveaway. I then offered a grey hat, also a combination of stitches but this time all crochet. I actually like the grey one more (grey is one of my favorite colors). Last I checked I had over 60 comments, so let's see how many more I get today.

If you haven't checked out the One World One Heart blog (see the link below), you really need to. Click on any of the blogs in the blogroll and you'll be amazed at these things. I've made my way down about 1/4 of the entries, but I totally wish I had more time to sit and gawk at the offerings. Not only are the giveaways beautiful, but I'd really like to browse through more of the blogs to see the artists' other works, find out more about their lives, etc. There are a lot of altered artists, who combine papercrafts, decoupage, lucky finds, etc. and create beautiful showpieces with a vintage edge. I've seen a bunch of scrapbookers, which used to be one of my hobbies back when I had a lot more time. I even saw a quiller, something I've dabbled with recently but I just can't seem to get it right (I bookmarked her site so that I can copy some of her designs). I actually haven't seen any other fiber artists (knit, crochet, embroidery, etc.) yet, which seems strange to me because most of my crafter-friends do one of those hobbies also. I'm actually a member of three local knitting circles, although I don't get to the meetings as often as I used to.

I haven't entered every giveaway, although I DO love most of the pieces I've seen. I mean, really, they are wonderful and beautiful works of art and I would be delighted to display any of them in my home. But I have so much "stuff" as is, I need to find better places for all of the stuff I already have, and I'm trying not to buy NEW stuff. I did enter a few giveaways for things like journals or things I would gift away, but I'm really trying to restrain myself. I know it's "free" if I win, and for many of the raffles there are 100 comments for 1 giveaway, but I don't want to get into the purchasing-mentality. Please do not be insulted if I didn't enter your giveway, because for most blogs it was really hard to NOT comment and enter.

OK, I've relieved some of the guilt. Time to tackle the snow and ice mix...

1 comment:

Margo said...

Hi Lucky Girl!
I'm so thrilled to have won a wonderful hat from you!! Thank you so very much.... you didn't leave me your email address and I don't remember talking to you before... LOL I could be wrong, but I don't think I sent you my mailing address, did I? I'm in Ontario, Canada... is my brain as frozen as it is outside or did I already send you the info? ;-)