Sunday, March 2, 2008

Still moving along

I added $40 to the fundraising thermometer because... I sold 2 booka on Amazon! Pretty exciting, I think. It's only two books, but at least they went to good homes. I still have a lot more listed.

I forgot to bring the quilling materials to the post office to mail them. I'm hoping to do that this week, but I'm working late on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday so Tuesday is hopefully my day.

I decided not to sell the hat and scarves for the hosting fundraiser. A woman I work with was doing a fundraiser for a family friend who died after a long battle with cancer, leaving four children and lots of medical bills. I'm going to donate the money to that family, instead. People were so generous when I first put up that donate button and I feel like I should help this family. I've been getting some overtime hours at work, so that will help too. And Lucky Boy got some overtime, too. I'll probably update the thermometer with the first overtime payment this week. I'm also considering a different crafting project as a fundraiser, something more practical for the season.

I'm still waiting to hear about the mini-homestudy we have to do. I'm thinking the delay from the organization is related to the Hague accreditation announcement on Friday. Colombia has been a Hague country for many years, and some of the agencies that have been approved by Colombia are not on the US approved list. The agency I was hoping to use (geographically desirable, although it's said that geography isn't a good reason to pick an agency because it doesn't really matter where the agency is located) IS on the approved list. I picked that agency not only because they are geographically desirable, a less-than two hour drive from our house, but more because they have a very good reputation and I met some local families that used that agency to adopt from Colombia within the past five years. ALWAYS get references from families that have completed an adoption. DO NOT trust the references of families who are still in process. (Remember that this is not our first try at adoption.)

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